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Manchester and Stockport Canal Society

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The Manchester and Stockport Canal Society is a non-profit / community organisation and relies entirely on the subscriptions from its members and donations from like minded individuals and business. While the day to day expenses can be met from membership fees, more ambitious and expensive undertakings require significant monetary assistance from  other sources.

These may include donations from:-   Local businesses wishing to support our endeavours

                                                        Individual donations from people interested in the regeneration of the canal                                                                    but who do not wish to become members of the society.

                                                         Grant money applied for by the society. In today's financial climate this is a                                                                    difficult and long winded process with no guarantee of success.


                                                          Fund raising events including stalls at canal related events.

If you feel sympathetic to the aims of our society but do not wish to support us through membership we  would be grateful to receive any amount of financial support which should be sent to our society chairman at :-

MSCS Chairman

1 Ashdown Road

Heaton Moor



All donations will be acknowledged.

Our society is run entirely by volunteers who receive no payment for work done but are dedicated to the regeneration of the canal and its environs. Your support will not be wasted.

Thank you

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