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Manchester and Stockport Canal Society

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The ultimate aim of our society is the complete restoration of the Manchester and Stockport canal. This is however not a simple process and will take time to achieve. A more practical approach is to tackle the problem in manageable stages as and when resources allow. By selecting doable projects  that contribute in there own right towards our goal, progress can be made.

To assist interested parties to plan future development as well as  assist the society to identify locations of  possible society activity, the following maps have been produced by Jacobs. Click on link to view  PDF file.

1. Map of canal line. Clayton to Gorton.

2. Map of canal line. Gorton to North Reddish.

3. Map of canal line. North Reddish to Stockport.

The projects that the society consider initially worthwhile and fundable in the current financial climate are detailed below.

1. The formation of a list of  interested parties.

The Manchester and Stockport Canal Society have commissioned Jacobs to act as a catalyst in bringing like minded stakeholders together. This work has been supported financially by the major stakeholders.

2.  The placement of interpretation  panels.

Cast interpretation panels will be positioned along the line of the canal detailing the route, history and general significance to the surrounding area.

Click here to see progress made with this project

3. Educational Pack.

A educational pack aimed at Key Stage 2 will show the importance of the canal in the development of the economical and social history in the areas it passed through.