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Manchester and Stockport Canal Society

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Last site update :

Click here for MSCS Current Month Calendar



Saturday 15th December - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (Yellow Brick Road).  Please click  here  for report.  See photos on “News” page.

Thursday 13th December - Monthly clean-up of the Fallowfield Loop.  Please click  here  for report.  See photos on “News” page.

Sunday 25th November - AGM at Stockport Labour Club, 2 Lloyd St., Heaton Norris, Stockport, SK4 1QP.

Saturday 17th November - Archive film of “Operation Ashton” shown at the Strawberry Duck Pub, Crabtree Lane, Ashton during the IWA Work Party.

Saturday 10th November - Monthly clean-up of the canal path.  Please click  here  for report.  See photo on “News” page.

Thursday 8th November - Monthly clean-up of the Fallowfield Loop.  Please click  here  for report.  See photo on “News” page.

Saturday 20th to Sunday 21st October - Autumn clean-up of the Fallowfeld Loop Path at the Quadrants, Levenshulme.  Please click  here  for a report of this event.  See photo on “News” page.

Saturday 20th October - IWA Work Party at the Ashton Canal, Lock 13, Crabtree Lane, M11 4GU.

Monday 8th October - IWA Open Meeting on the trip boat Emmeline

Pankhurst, Potato Wharf, Castlefields, Manchester M3 4NB

Saturday 22nd September - Openshaw Festival, Lime Square Retail Park, Ashton Old Road.  Thank you to our new members who joined at this event!  Please see “News” page for photos.

Sunday 16th September - Manchester Road Park Fun Day, Ash Grove, Stockport.  We gained one new member at this event!  Please see “News” page for photos and click  here  for a video from this event.

Sunday 19th August - North Reddish Park Fun Day, Longford Road West.

Saturday 11th August - Vine Street Park Fun Day, Abbey Hey, Gorton. Another successful event where we gained three new members!

Friday 10th August - Morrisons Supermarket, Reddish.  This was a very successful event where we gained seven new members!

Saturday 16th June - Clayton Hall Open Day at Clayton Park, Ashton New Road, Clayton, M11 4RU.  Please see “News” page for photos from this event.

Sunday 10th June - We shared a stall with IWA at the Manchester Histories Fair at Central Library, where we acquired a new member!

Another highly successful litter pick of the Canal Path took place on Saturday, June 2nd.  Please click  here  to see a report of this event.  Also please click  here  to see photos of the litter collected, and look on the “News” page for more photos from this event.

A successful litter pick of the Fallowfield Loop Path took place on the weekend of 28/29th April.  Please click  here  to see a report of this event.


AGM  Sunday 22nd October 2017

LATE NEWS  (Canal Path Cleanup)  Saturday to Monday 21st, 22nd, 23rd October 2017

Manchester Road Park Friends Fun Day  Sunday 24th September 2017

Openshaw Festival  and  Map  Saturday 23rd September 2017

North Reddish Park Fun Day  Sunday 20th August 2017  12pm - 4pm

Clayton Hall Open Day  Saturday 19th August 2017

North Reddish Park Family Fun Day  Sunday 6th August 2017

Reddish Vale Fun Day  Sunday 16th July 2017

Gorton Aqueduct working party  Saturday 18th February 2017