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Manchester and Stockport Canal Society

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Click here to see the Heritage Plaques

Click here to see the Greater Manchester Spacial Framework 2019 Submission



Saturday 14th and Thursday 12th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.


Broadstone Mill Fun Day

Saturday 16th and Thursday 14th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here, and  article  here from IWA magazine.

Please click  here  to see a recent article about the canal in the Stockport Mail.


Saturday 12th and Thursday 10th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.


Saturday 14th and Thursday 12th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.

Saturday 7th - Openshaw Festival, Lime Square Retail Park, Ashton Old Road, Openshaw

Lots of activity at our stall!


Saturday 10th and Thursday 8th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.

Sunday 4th - North Reddish Park Fun Day, Longford Road West, Reddish

Graham Burns, Robert Twigg and Peter Scott from MSCS with Norma Galloway


Friday 26th - Broadstone Mill Outlet Cafe, Broadstone Road, Reddish

Saturday 13th and Thursday 11th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.


Sunday 23rd - Reddish Festival “Reddfest”, Houldsworth Square

Saturday 15th and Thursday 13th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.


Sunday 19th - IWA trip to the Chesterfield Canal.

Saturday 18th - Clayton Hall Open Day.

Saturday 11th and Thursday 9th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road).

See  report  here.


Sunday 28th - Manchester Book Fair at Gorton Monastery

Saturday 13th and Thursday 11th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.


Saturday 16th and Thursday 14th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.


Saturday 16th and Thursday 14th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.

Saturday 9th - Gorton Aqueduct vegetation clearance and litter pick


Saturday 12th and Thursday 10th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.