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Manchester and Stockport Canal Society

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Saturday 20th - Reddish Worker Bee Market, Broadstone Mill Car Park, Broadstone Road, Stockport.

There was a lot of interest in our canal at the above event.  Please click  here  for more photos, which include a brief history of Broadstone Mill.


Saturday 18th - Clayton Hall Open Day, Clayton Park, Ashton New Road, Clayton, Manchester.

Our stall, with Graham Burns, our chairman Roger Bravey, and Fay Bravey.  Thanks to everyone who expressed an interest in our canal.

Saturday 11th - “Rediscovering the Underbanks” Heritage Open Day, Underbanks, Stockport, Greater Manchester.

There was a lot of interest in our canal at the above event.  Please click  here  for more photos.  Also of interest is this 5 minute  video  of the event, courtesy of Allen John, where our stall can be seen shortly after the morris dancers.


Thursday 26th - Canal path (yellow brick road) clean-up.

The canal path near Gorton Community Centre is looking nice and clean after 39 bags of rubbish plus 3 bags of cans were collected.  Many thanks to Charles from Sustrans for organising this event.  Please click  here  for report and more photos.


Please see this latest follow up  newsletter  from our chairman Roger Bravey following the very successful meeting with Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham and members of the Manchester City Council.

Please see the previous MSCS  newsletter  here.

The second stage of consultation on improvements to the Fallowfield Loop was opened on Monday and runs until Friday 30th July.  Please see this  article  from the Manchester Weekly News Thursday, July 8th edition.

Please see this  statement  from our chairman Roger Bravey which outlines our efforts in securing the future of the canal in the improvements of the yellow brick road corridor.

Please give us your continued support by submitting another response in favour of the canal via this  link,  reiterating how important the interest and biodiversity the canal will bring to east Manchester.


Saturday 22nd - A walk along the canal path (yellow brick road) from old Gorton Bridge to the Ashton Canal, in the company of the walking group from Bugsworth Basin Heritage Trust.

Please click  here  for more photos from the walk (45 total) and  here  for a report of the walk on the Bugsworth Basin Heritage Trust website.



Tuesday 18th - Facebook Live video showing Patrick Moss and Laura Wigg-Bailey of Moss Naylor Young talking to our chairman Roger Bravey about regenerating the Stockport Canal.  See  video  here.


We were extremely grateful to everyone who submitted their views in favour of the restoration of the canal along the yellow brick road in the Fallowfield Loop / Stockport Branch Canal cycleway consultation which closed on 21st August.


All April and future events have been cancelled due to the pandemic.  Details of future events will be advertised on the “Events” page once the pandemic has passed.

In the meantime, please read the article about Stockport Canal that has been published in the April / May issue 62 of Moor Magazine, the magazine for the Four Heatons.  See the post  here  from the Moor Magazine Facebook page, or read online  here.  Their latest issue can be read online (or downloaded) on their website



Saturday 14th and Thursday 12th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.


Saturday 15th and Thursday 13th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.

Please click  here  to see a recent article in this month’s Spring 2020 IWA magazine (page 10) about the North West “Brush Bash” last November.


Saturday 11th and Thursday 9th - Monthly clean-up of the canal path (yellow brick road) and Fallowfield Loop.  See  report  here.